Wednesday, January 26, 2005


You have the unparalleled privilege of chancing upon this blog coz of the following people:

ME: Cmon, isn't that obvious... If I hadn't conjured these magical bytes from the "ethernet" in the first place, what exactly wolud you have been able to do? You must admit, this adds spice to your life... (bows).. I'm graceful about appreciation... thank you!

Kima: Now what the hell is this bugger doing here... Turns out that he is one hell of a "go-and-check-out-my-blog-na" kinda guy... So he pings me 24X7 about his crazy blog and finally, I end up with some space for myself as well...

Devika: I like people who prefer delusion to reality... More so when, in their delusory state, they feel that I have my way with permutations of the alphabet... So till she gets back to reality and starts telling me I'm a "no-good"er, she can bask in the glory out here... :D

The Twisted Shout gang: They are as jobless as I am...

All those out there who firmly believe I am nuts: Not only do you provide me with yet another opinion, you also provide me with an excuse for all the accidents on this URL...

And finally, to the rest of the human race (and all similar specimens who claim membership) for without you all, I would have nothing to comment upon... U punks make such an entertaining pack! esp. the specimens...

For the convenience of lesser mortals who have been in the habit of putting 2 and 2 together and always getting 4 (life can be so predictably boring for some), there is something called Sarcasm... an appreciation of which is a prerequisite for any subsequent navigation of this blog...


Blogger Unknown said...

I too was here

February 4, 2005 at 1:18 AM  

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